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Okay, I'm back.
While I have a variety of items sewn over the last 10 months or so that I really want to show you (as well as many plans for new projects in the works), I'm going to start off with the purchase that has been helping me create lovely things in the sewing studio lately. Last January when I received my tax refund, I decided to buy myself a gift. Something I'd been looking at for awhile, but hadn't felt like I should spend the money on. Something I thought maybe I didn't really need, but would love to have. It turns out, however, that I really did need it after all.
Meet my new(ish) Juki TL2000Qi. She's a beauty.
Ash was almost as excited as I was when she arrived and insisted on helping her move in.
She came with her own accessories . . .
And her own bed . . .
And her own bed clothes . . . .
She seemed to be at home almost right away . . .
She took right over and insisted on immediately doing the quilting on the quilt I had been making for my best friend. The quilt that had been sitting for 2 years with the layers pinned together but not quilted because none of my other machines were willing to complete the task. Juki jumped right in, with no qualms or hesitations, and powered right through that quilt. She was very patient with my rusty free-motion quilting skills. However, she did ask me several times why, when I hadn't quilted for years, I decided to jump back into it with a queen-sized bed quilt instead of a nice small wall hanging. I just gritted my teeth and said "I love you Juki."
Juki is a straight-stitch only machine, but does beautiful free-motion work as well. She's very fast and couldn't care less about getting speeding tickets. We have been working together on all sorts of projects and seem to have developed a very strong bond with each other. Although, being straight-stitch only, she cannot do every task. So she has agreed to be part of the sewing studio team and doesn't get upset when I turn to the serger or my Rocketeer (Singer 500A) to help us out. We all make beautiful music together.
I don't have a local dealer for Juki, so I purchased her new online from Amazon (three cheers for Amazon Prime--talk about instant gratification!!). It's been about 10 months and we've had no problems so far. I love this machine!!!
On a smaller herd animal level, I also acquired this little cutie from Marcy Tilton.
I guess that's all for now. I hope to be back soon with discussion of some recent (and not so recent) projects. In the meantime, although this post is probably already too photo-heavy, I'll leave you with some snaps of the completed quilt I made for my friend.
I think Bear's Paw is my favorite traditional quilt block! Take care all and see you soon!
Lovely quilt. Jukis are super fast and cool!